Digital Woman
Special Awards
This special award will recognise a woman who is a role model and sustainably shaping digitization through leadership, creativity, entrepreneurship, social-focus and/or innovative discoveries, and who is positively impacting other people participating in digitally-driven or digitally-enabled environments.
. The award winner should have:
- Consistently made an outstanding contribution to the industry and represents a ‘model of excellence’ across their entire career.
- Made an outstanding contribution to the sector
- Developed and Mentored other people
- Influenced the sector
Entries adjudication criteria
The nomination must include a motivation detailing the outstanding achievements of the nominee relevant to the ICT industry covering the following areas:
- Professional achievements
- Practical achievements
- Description of awards received
- Evidence of innovative contribution to the ICT industry
- Highlight personal and professional barriers that have been overcome
- Evidence of continued professional development
- Leadership ability of the nominee and her contribution to building the ICT industry in general
NB: Self nominations are not accepted
Nominations for retired individuals are accepted
- Create a breed of ICT players who can stay the course and ensure that they keep the country competitive within the ICT space/sector. Become exemplary and create a legacy.
- More women in the ICT industry